Saturday, 25 July 2009


I've decided to write a new blog in addition to my current one. The current one is general musings on life, kind of diary-ish, a record of terrible (and amusing) things that seem to happen to me because I regularly put myself in the kind of situation where they can.

This one will actually serve a purpose. People ask me for recommendations of places to go fairly often. So I'm going to have a go at reviewing a few places. I'll review anywhere that I spend money on consumables or services.

So I'll review restaurants, clubs, bars, pubs, cafes, coffee shops, tea houses, butchers, bakers, candle-stick makers, fishmongers, cheese-mongers, grocers, delicatessens, markets, libraries, museums, art galleries, hair dressers, beauty salons, gig venues and frankly, anything else I feel like but didn't originally add to this list.

The list is a long one because I'd like to blog weekly, but living on a student's budget means that writing a restaurant review every week would be a bit much. This way there's a fair chance I'll have visited somewhere worthy of mention every week, and if there isn't, I can fall back on somewhere I've been in the past.

Most of the reviews will be of places in Glasgow, as that's where I spend most of my time, the other major place will be Leeds (and, since when I'm home I don't stick to Leeds alone, possibly Harrogate and York). I'll say which city I'm talking about for each review, and if I'm talking about a chain, I'll mention which branch.

I'll also try to stick to roughly the same format for each "article." I'll try to write well, produce useful information, and not to get side-tracked. I haven't done this kind of writing before though, so do bare with me. As always, comments (especially the kind that include hints/tips) are more than welcome.


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