Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Peckham's (Merchant City)

What: Delicatessen (and more!)
For: A gift for a friend
With: Money and a big basket
Site: Here

Alright, I admit it, I'm kind of a junkie for Peckham's. The love affair started last year when I wandered into the Merchant City branch with some friends, for no reason other than wondering why a delicatessen needs to stay open until 10pm. When we asked, the staff replied "just in case."

So, they have the right attitude. Whilst we were there we also noted that they had an interested selection of wines, beers, spirits and liqueurs. We exercised control, only buying one bottle of rum (Havana 3 year, old habits die hard), one bottle of wine (Chilean sauvignon blanc, see previous parenthesis) and a cheese (pont le vec*).

Since then, we've returned many times. Usually for rum or wine, occasionally for cheese, chorizo, and other delicious little treats that work well with crackers and wine. During the exam period I visited the Byre's Road branch often to buy sandwiches and coffee, having discovered that both were far superior to those which the University catering offer.

Interesting the coffee is better than Starbucks, although I must admit being rather biased and anti-Starbucks here (also, they don't sell those ridiculous iced-mocha-berry-frappes with whipped cream and three ounces of sugar, which people buy because they don't like coffee. This is a good thing). The sandwiches are better than those in Marks and Spencer too, and it is very important to note, that to say Peckham's is more expensive than the obvious alternatives is a lie.

Anyway, on this occasion I was shopping for a gift. I wanted a hamper for my flatmate's birthday. He's got a sweet tooth, but doesn't drink coffee, tea, or whisky. Unfortunately this meant that all the pre-made hampers were unacceptable. So, they let me make up my own!

I was naturally filled with glee - I chose a hamper, and wandered around picking up interesting preserves, organic chocolate spread, miniature bars of luxury chocolate, Prosecco, and other cute little things. Then the girl filled the hamper with straw (because otherwise it'd look cheap, obviously) and arranged the items for me in a presentable fashion.

Yes, it was an expensive gift, but it was a joint gift with a friend, so that's fine. And yes, he loved it. What's more, I loved shopping for it. Hence, the love affair with Peckham's will continue for a while, nothing can come between us.

*Pont le vec is to Camembert as Camembert is to brie. It's easy to think of it as the heroin of soft French cheeses. It's a good idea not to mention this whilst shopping for it, as the guy in the queue ahead of you may turn out to be insane, and will probably exclaim "heroin!" At the top of his lungs. Not cool.

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